Słodka czapka to projekt na poziomie pośrednim. Dzięki temu zestawowi będziesz pracować z przędzą Finita i nauczysz się, jak robić na drutach wariant ściegu żebra i różne techniki zmniejszania, aby stworzyć kształt czapki.
Kulki (nº zależy od wielkości) x1 (Finita Yarn)
Igły (opcjonalnie)
Step by step pattern instructions for all sizes in English, Español, Deutsch, Français, Italiano, Polski
Etykieta haftu
This project is worked in Finita. Made from a delicate blend of 70% Merino and 30% Baby Alpaca. Characterized by its softness and unparalleled quality, Finita Yarn is definitely one of our faves! Being one of our finest fibres It is ideal for knitting with our 3 mm needles. Our Finita yarn is a wonderful blend to create silken and lightweight clothing that will keep you warm.
It is available in 100GR / 3.5OZ and 400M / 437 YDS.}
It is available in 100GR / 3.5OZ and 400M / 437 YDS.}

As seen on the #weareknitters community
A lot of knitters already made it, you can too!